Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Fabric Addict

I was doing so well, keeping my addiction under control. I only fed my habit 2 or 3 times a year, a binge session at Hobbycrafts and Creative Stitches and the occasional trip to the city. Okay, so I had the odd fix in between times, but only if I needed something specific.

Now however it's out of control, I'm off the wagon, hitching a ride to textile paradise. I can no longer curb my desire by spending days searching for fabric on the Internet, gradually losing the will to buy as the hours pass. I blame it all on Very Berry and her big list of UK fabric shops.

They're all there, on that list, with more being added every week. All available at the click of a button, all pushing the most delicious fabric and all complicit in my decline. How am I supposed to turn away from temptation when it comes so beautifully presented?

After removing the inconspicuous outer packaging this was how my recent purchase from Seamstar looked

With a handy little bookmark with all sorts of useful info on it

Not forgetting the fabric

I know I'm weak, I really shouldn't give in. I should call on my resolve, repress the need to own more fabric, cease to be swayed by pretty packaging. 
But Oscar Wilde had it right, and as the Borg would say "Resistance is futile"


Eryl said...

You mentioned Oscar Wilde and the Borg in the same sentence: kudos!

Linnhe Mara said...

I thank you ;o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning my Big List.. Hope it doesn't cause too much distress to your finances!!

Linnhe Mara said...

I know you are complicit in my downfall but I forgive you. Your Big List is fantastic and a great resource for any fabric addict. Thanks for putting it together.

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