Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Could this be it?

The school holidays are quickly approaching and I think for the first time in what seems like forever we may actually have a summer the kids can enjoy.I know they are getting a bit de-mob happy. Every morning for the past few weeks I've been met with the same question " how long do we have to go now?" The glorious weather has been tantalising and everyone and everything seems to be preparing for more good days ahead.
I was able to re-stock the pond recently ( the local Heron had all but wiped it out over the winter ) as the water temperature had risen. The fish are still fairly timid but seem to be enjoying their new environment. Their activity has created a certain amount of interest from at least one member of our household.

There should be more than enough cover for them to hide under,safe from the prying eyes of predatory birds and curious canines. The warm weather seems to have spurred on the water lilies and they are covering most of the surface now. The first full bloom appeared this morning. I always think they almost look fake in their perfection.

Yes, this is definitely shaping up to be a good summer. Fingers crossed!

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